FROM: Peter Rodwell, 100023,2476 TO: Herbert L. Huestis, 70771,1047 DATE: 02-Nov-94 at 22:23:21 SUBJECT: Salt Lake City spec for Osiris -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: International Organ Foundation, Madrid, Spain CompuServe: 10023,2476 IOF Cat #: 00104400001 Osiris file: aeolianskinner.tabernacle.saltlakecity.ut.usa.1949.multi Location: Utah Salt Lake City Tabernacle Builder: Aeolian-Skinner Co Year: 1949 Opus: Case Builder: Date: Materials: Console type: Detached Stop controls: Draw knob Pedals type: Radiating, concave Action Key: Stop: Temperament: Equal Tuning (a'): 440 Hz No. stops: 147 No. ranks: 206 No. pipes: 11,623 Wind supply Power: Electric: main: 30 hp; auxiliary Pedal (1988): 3 hp; Antiphonal: 3/4 hp Pressures (mm): Choir: 121; Positiv: 67; Great: 89, 98, 116, 124; Swell: 108, 124; Bombarde: 156; Solo: 237; Antiphonal: 111; Pedal: 86, 110, 114, 117, 157, 178 History: Original organ built by Joseph Ridges in 1867 (2 manuals). Rebuilt and enlarged by Niels Johnson (1889), Kimball (1901) and Austin (1916, 1926, 1937). Contract for new organ signed with Aeolian-Skinner in 1945, with G Donald Harrison as president and tonal director. Some pipework from earlier organs retained but organ installed was essentially new. Further additions made during renovation in 1979 and 1984-88, mostly stops which Harrison intended to be installed but were omitted for various reasons. Bibliography: "The Mormon Tabernacle Organ", Donald Gordon McDonald, Union Theological Seminary Thesis, 1952; "The History of the Organ in the United States", Orpha Ochse, ISBN 0-253-32830-6, pp 189-90, 309-11. Discography: "A Tabernacle Organ Duo Extravaganza", Robert Cundick and John Longhurst, Argo 430 426-2, DDD Specification: I Choir (Enclosed, 61) 18 stops, 24 ranks, 1536 pipes. Gamba 16 68 pipes Principal 8 68 pipes Concert Flute 8 68 pipes Viola 8 68 pipes Viola Celeste 8 68 pipes Dulcet 8 2 ranks, 136 pipes Kleine Erza"hler 8 2 ranks, 124 pipes Prestant 4 68 pipes Zauberflo"te 4 68 pipes Gambette 4 68 pipes Piccolo Harmonique 2 61 pipes Fife 1 1988; from Carillon Sesquialtera II 1988; from Carillon Carillon III 183 pipes Rauschpfeife III 183 pipes Dulzian 16 61 pipes Trompette 8 61 pipes Krummhorn 8 61 pipes Orchestral Oboe 8 61 pipes Rohr Schalmei 4 61 pipes Trompette Harmonique 8 Bombarde Tremulant Positiv (61) Played from Choir or Great manuals. 16 stops, 21 ranks, 1257 pipes. Principal 8 1988; 61 pipes Cor de Nuit 8 61 pipes Quintade 8 61 pipes Principal 4 61 pipes Nachthorn 4 61 pipes Nazard 2 2/3 61 pipes Principal 2 61 pipes Spillflo"te 2 61 pipes Tierce 1 3/5 61 pipes Larigot 1 1/3 61 pipes Sifflo"te 1 61 pipes Septerz II 98 pipes Scharf III 183 pipes Zimbel III 183 pipes Rankett 16 61 pipes Cromorne 8 1988; 61 pipes Tremulant II Great (61) 29 stops, 44 ranks, 2564 pipes. Subprincipal 16 61 pipes Quintaton 16 61 pipes Principal 8 61 pipes Diapason 8 61 pipes Montre 8 1988; 61 pipes Bourdon 8 61 pipes Spitzflo"te 8 61 pipes Flu^te Harmonique 8 1988; 61 pipes Bell Gamba 8 61 pipes Grosse Quinte 5 1/3 61 pipes Principal 4 61 pipes Octave 4 61 pipes Koppelflo"te 4 61 pipes Flu^te Octaviante 4 1988; 61 pipes Gemshorn 4 61 pipes Grosse Tierce 3 1/5 61 pipes Quinte 2 2/3 61 pipes Super Octave 2 61 pipes Blockflo"te 2 61 pipes Tierce 1 3/5 61 pipes Septieme 1 1/7 61 pipes Acuta III 183 pipes Full Mixture IV 244 pipes Fourniture IV 244 pipes Klein Mixtur IV 244 pipes Cornet V 1988; f-f3; 185 pipes Double Trumpet 16 1988; 61 pipes Trumpet 8 1988; 61 pipes Clarion 4 1988; 61 pipes III Swell (Enclosed, 61) 29 stops, 40 ranks, 2561 pipes Lieblich Gedeckt 16 From earlier organ; 68 pipes Gemshorn 16 68 pipes Geigen Principal 8 68 pipes Gedeckt 8 68 pipes Claribel Flute 8 From earlier organ; 68 pipes Flauto Dolce 8 68 pipes Flute Celeste 8 56 pipes Viole de Gambe 8 68 pipes Viole Celeste 8 68 pipes Orchestral Strings 8 2 ranks; 136 pipes Salicional 8 68 pipes Voix Celeste 8 68 pipes Prestant 4 68 pipes Fugara 4 68 pipes Flauto Traverso 4 61 pipes Nazard 2 2/3 61 pipes Octavin 2 61 pipes Hohlflo"te 2 1988; 68 pipes Cornet III 183 pipes Cymbale IV From Plein Jeu VI; 1988 Plein Jeu IV From Plein Jeu VI; 1988 Plein Jeu VI 366 pipes Contra Fagot 32 61 pipes Contra Trompette 16 61 pipes 1ere Trompette 8 1988; 68 pipes 2eme Trompette 8 61 pipes Hautbois 8 68 pipes Voix Humaine 8 127 mm wp; 68 pipes Quinte Trompette 5 1/3 61 pipes Clairon 4 61 pipes Tremulant IV Bombarde (61) 8 stops, 18 ranks, 1038 pipes Diapason 8 61 pipes Octave 4 61 pipes Grosse Cornet IV-VI 306 pipes Grande Fourniture VI 366 pipes Bombard 16 61 pipes Trompette Harmonique 8 305 mm wp; 1988; 61 pipes Trompette 8 61 pipes Clairon 4 61 pipes IV Solo (Enclosed, 61) 11 stops, 11 ranks, 727 pipes Flauto Mirabilis 8 68 pipes Gamba 8 68 pipes Gamba Celeste 8 68 pipes Concert Flute 4 68 pipes Nazard 2 2/3 1979; 61 pipes Piccolo 2 1979; 61 pipes Tierce 1 3/5 1979; 61 pipes French Horn 8 68 pipes English Horn 8 68 pipes Corno di Bassetto 8 68 pipes Tuba 8 292 mm wp; 68 pipes Cornet V 8 Great Harp 8 c-c4; amplified; 49 bars Chimes c-g2; amplified; 32 tubes Celesta From harp; 61 notes Tremulant V Antiphonal (Enclosed, 61) 9 stops, 11 ranks, 720 pipes Diapason 8 68 pipes Gedeckt 8 From earlier organ; 68 pipes Salicional 8 68 pipes Voix Celeste 8 68 pipes Principal 4 68 pipes Kleine Mixtur III 183 pipes Trompette 8 68 pipes Vox Humana 8 68 pipes Tuba Mirabilis 8 1988; front case; 381 mm wp; 61 pipes Cornet V Great Tremulant Pedal (32) 27 stops, 37 ranks, 1220 pipes Montre 32 From earlier organ; ext. of Great Subprincipal 16'; 12 pipes Flu^te Ouverte 32 From earlier organ; 12 pipes Contre Bourdon 32 From earlier organ; 12 pipes Principal 16 32 pipes Flu^te Ouverte 16 32 pipes Contre Basse 16 32 pipes Voilone 16 32 pipes Bourdon 16 32 pipes Gemshorn 16 Swell Gamba 16 Choir Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Swell Grosse Quinte 10 2/3 32 pipes Principal 8 32 pipes Violoncello 8 32 pipes Spitzprincipal 8 32 pipes Flu^te Ouverte 8 32 pipes Flauto Dolce 8 32 pipes Gamba 8 Choir Lieblich Gedeckt 8 Swell Quinte 5 1/3 32 pipes Choral Bass 4 32 pipes Nachthorn 4 32 pipes Gamba 4 Choir Lieblich Gedeckt 4 Swell Principal 2 32 pipes Blockflo"te 2 32 pipes Full Mixture IV 128 pipes Cymbale IV 128 pipes Grand Harmonics V 160 pipes Bombarde 32 32 pipes Contra Fagot 32 Swell Ophicleide 16 32 pipes Trombone 16 32 pipes Double Trumpet 16 1988; Great Contre Tompette 16 1988; Swell Dulzian 16 Choir Posaune 8 32 pipes Trumpet 8 32 pipes Double Trumpet 8 1988; Great Contre Trompette 8 1988; Swell Krummhorn 8 Choir Lairon 4 32 pipes Chalumeau 4 32 pipes Kornett 2 32 pipes Percussion Chimes on Great Chimes on Pedal Harp on Choir Celesta on Choir Couplers Swell to Choir 8, 4 4' affects only stops with top extension Solo-Bomb to Choir 8 Antiphonal to Choir 8 1988 Antiphonal to Solo 8 1988 Great Tutti to Solo 8 Pedal Tutti to Swell 8 Swell to Great 8, 4 4' affects only stops with top extension Choir to Great 8, 4 4' affects only stops with top extension Solo-Bomb to Great 16, 8, 4 Antiphonal to Great Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal 8, 4 Choir to Pedal 8 Positiv to Pedal 8 Solo-Bomb to Pedal 8, 4 Antiphonal to Pedal 8 Positiv off Choir 1988 Positiv on Great Positiv on Solo Choir to Choir 16, 4 4' affects only stops with top extensions Swell to Swell 16, 4 4' affects only stops with top extensions Solo-Bomb to Solo-Bomb 16, 4 Antiph to Antiph 16, 4 Combinations 64 memories (1988) General 0, 1-20 1-5 and 11-15 duplicated by toe studs; 1-3, 5-7 and 13-15 duplicated on right side of manuals Choir 0, 1-8 Great 0, 1-8 Swell 0, 1-8 Positiv 0, 1-6 1988 Solo-Bomb 0, 1-8 Antiphonal 0, 1-4 Pedal 0, 1-8 6-8 duplicated on thumb pistons under Manual I; 1988 Reversibles Each manual to Pedal 8' coupler (thumb) Great to Pedal Toe Swell to Pedal Toe Solo-Bomb to Great Toe Bombarde 32' Toe Flu^te Ouverte 32' Toe 1988 Contra Fagot 32' Toe 1988 Contre Bourdon 32' Toe Choir shades to Swell expression pedal (thumb) Manual I/II Thumb With indictor lights; 1988 Sforzando Thumb & Toe Thumb 1988; Sforzand may be set independently for each memory. Accessories Crescendo 4 sequences: standard, A, B and C; A, B and C adjustable from console; 1988 30-segment LED Crescendo Pedal indicator, 1988. Tremulants, Celestes and Percussion may be programmed to cancel with Crescendo Pedal; 1988 Crescendo and Sforzando blind check; 1988 Chime volume Chimes forte/piano Chime dampers on/off Harp dampers on/off Combination set Memory lock 1988 Memory selector 1988 Memory clear 1988 Digital clock with mode selector, stop/start, reset, fast set, slow set, hold; 1988 "Stand by" and "On air" signals; 1988 Broadcast timer; 1988 Consol fan on/off; 1988 Technician call button Intercom; 1988 Monitor; 1988 Nauvoo Bell button ================================================================= From: BCWILLIS Bruce C. Willis To: H.HUESTIS Herb Huestis Sub: OSIRIS ARCHIVE -- PIPE ORGAN SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATION OF ORGAN THE MORMON TABERNACLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Original Mormon Tabernacle Organ built by Joseph Ridges Salt Lake City, Utah 2 Manuals 30 Ranks 1866 GREAT (56 notes) Bourdon 16 Open Diapason 8 Stop Diapason 8 Hohl Flute 8 Flute a Cheminee 8 Dulciana 8 Principal 4 Flute Harmonic 4 Twelfth 2 2/3 Fifteenth 2 Mixture 3 ranks Trumpet 8 SWELL (56 notes) Bourdon 16 Open Diapason 8 Stop'd Diapason 8 Claribella 8 Principal 4 Clari. Flute 4 Stop'd Flute 4 Piccolo 2 Mixture 2 ranks Cromorne 8 Hautboy 8 (treble) Bassoon 8 (bass) PEDAL (27 notes) Open Bass 32 Open Bass 16 Dul. Bass 16 Stop'd Bass 16 Principal Bass 8 COUPLERS Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Swell to Great MECHANICALS Tremulant Bellows Signal ================================================================ SPECIFICATION OF ORGAN THE MORMON TABERNACLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Original Mormon Tabernacle Organ built by Joseph Ridges Salt Lake City, Utah 1866 Enlarged by Niels Johnson Salt Lake City, Utah 4 Manuals 50 Ranks 1883 GREAT (56 notes) Open Diapason 16 Open Diapason 8 Viol D Gamber 8 Hohl Flute 8 (wood) Stpt. Diapason 8 (wood0 Flute a Chiminee 8 Octave 4 Harmonic Flute 4 Twelfth 2 2/3 Fifteenth 2 Mixture 4 ranks Trumpet 8 SWELL (56 notes) Bourdon 16 (wood) Open Diapason 8 Salicional 8 Clarabella 8 (wood) Stpt. Diapason 8 (wood) Octave 4 Flauto Traverso 4 (wood) Flutino 2 Dolce Cornet 2 ranks Cornopean 8 Oboe & Bassoon 8 Vox Humana 8 CHOIR (56 notes) Bell Gamba 8 Gemshorn 8 Dulciana 8 Melodia 8 (wood) Lieblich Gedact 8 (wood) Fugara 4 Piccolo 2 Clarionet 8 Fagotto 8 SOLO (56 notes) Stentorphon 8 Keraulophon 8 Stpt. Diapason 8 (wood) Harmonic Flute 4 Piccolo 2 Tuba Mirabilis 8 PEDALE (30 notes) Dbl. Op. Diap. 32 (wood) Open Diapason 16 (wood) Violone 16 (wood) Bourdon 16 (wood) Violoncello 8 Flute 8 (wood) Trombone 16 Trumpet 8 COUPLERS Great to Pneumatic Swell to Pnumatic Choir to Pnumatic Solo to Choir Choir to Swell Great to Pedale Swell to Pedale Choir to Pedale MECHANICALS Swell Tremolo Pedal Check Wind Indicator Hydraulic Engine Starter Automatic Engine Regulator PEDAL MOVEMENTS Great Forte Great Mezzo, double acting Great Piano, double acting Swell Forte Swell Piano, double acting Pedal Forte Pedal Piano, double acting Balanced Swell Pedale ================================================================ SPECIFICATION OF ORGAN THE MORMON TABERNACLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Kimball Organ Company Chicago, Illinois 4 Manuals 60 Ranks 1901 GREAT (61 notes) Double Open Diapason 16 Bell Diapason 8 Open Diapason 8 Second Open Diapason 8 Gamba 8 (tin) Doppel Flute 8 (wood) Dulciana 8 Claribell Flute 8 (wood) Principal 4 Wald Flute 4 (wood) Twelfth 2 2/3 Octave 4 Trumpet 8 Cornopean 8 Oboe d' Amour 8 Vox Humana 8 SWELL (61 notes, expressive) Bourdon 16 (wood) Horn Diapason 8 Violin Diapason 8 Stopped Diapason 8 (wood) Spitz Flute 8 Salicional 8 (tin) Viole Celeste 8 Aeoline 8 Violina 4 Flute Harmonic 4 Flautino 2 Cornet III Contra Fagotto 16 CHOIR (61 notes, expressive) Gross Gedeckt 16 Geigen Principal 8 Violoncello 8 Quintadena 8 Melodia 8 Dolce 8 Flauto Traverso 4 Fugara 4 Harmonic Piccolo 2 Clarinet 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 SOLO (61 notes) Violone 16 Stentorphone 8 Viole da Gamba 8 (tin) Melophone 8 (wood) Orchestral Flute 4 (wood) Waldhorn 8 Trumpet 8 (console only) Tuba Mirabilis 8 Saxophone 8 Clarion 4 PEDAL (30 notes) Double Open Diapason 32 Open Diapason 16 Bourdon 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Violone 16 Quinte 10 2/3 Violoncello 8 Flute 8 (wood) Trombone 16 Trumpet 8 SWELL COUPLERS Sw. to Gt. Sub Octave Swell to Great Swell to Great Super Octave Swell Octaves Swell to Solo Swell to Choir CHOIR COUPLERS Ch. to Gt. Sub Octave Choir Sub Octave Choir to Great SOLO COUPLERS Solo to Great So. to Gt. Super Octave Solo Octaves PEDAL COUPLERS Solo to Pedal Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Choir to Pedal Pedal to Solo Pedal Fifths Pedal Octaves ACCESSORIES Tremolos to Swell, Choir and Solo Reversible Gt. to Ped. (coupler) Crescendo, Full Organ Wind and Crescendo indicator dials ADJUSTABLE COMBINATIONS 3 Great, 3 Choir, 3 Swell, 2 Solo ================================================================ SPECIFICATION OF ORGAN THE MORMON TABERNACLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Austin Organ Company Hartford, Connecticut 4 Manuals 70 Ranks OPUS 573 1916 GREAT ORGAN (61 notes) 5" wind; all but first six stops enclosed in Orchestral box Contra Bourdon 32 (from Pedal) Double Open Diapason 16 (32 from Pedal) Bourdon 16 (from Pedal) Flauto Major 8 (ext. Pedal Open) First Diapason 8 Second Diapason 8 Bell Diapason 8 Violoncello 8 (former Gamba) Doppel Flute 8 Gedeckt 8 (from Bourdon) Clarabella 8 Wald Flute 4 Principal 4 Fifteenth 2 Double Trumpet 16 (ext. Trumpet) Trumpet 8 Clarion 4 (ext. Trumpet) SWELL ORGAN (61 notes) 5" wind Bourdon 16 Diapason Phonon 8 Horn Diapason 8 Gross Flute 8 Viole d' Orchestre 8 Orchestral Celeste 8 II Aeoline 8 Aeoline Celeste 8 Concert Flute 8 Unda Maris 8 (to undulate with Concert Flute) Flute Harmonic 4 Violina 4 Flautino 2 Cornet Mixture III Contra Fagotto 16 Cornopean 8 Oboe 8 Vox Humana 8 (separate chest and Tremolo) Tremulant ORCHESTRAL ORGAN (61 notes) 5" wind; many stops from former Choir division Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Geigen Principal 8 Melodia 8 Orchestral Viole 8 (from String Celeste 8 II) String Celeste 8 II Dolce 8 Quintadena 8 Flute Octaviente 4 Piccolo Harmonic 2 Double Oboe Horn 16 (prepared) Oboe Horn 8 (from Double Oboe Horn 16, prepared) Clarinet 8 (bell top) Cor Anglais 8 Concert Harp (Solo) Chimes (25 notes) Tremulant SOLO ORGAN (61 notes) 10" wind Violone 16 Flauto Major 8 Stentorphone 8 Gross Gamba 8 Gamba Celeste 8 Orchestral Flute 4 Tuba Profunda 16 (ext. Tuba Harmonic) Tuba Harmonic 8 Tuba Clarion 4 (ext. Tuba Harmonic) Tuba Magna 8 Concert Harp (61 notes) Chimes (Orchestral, 25 notes) CELESTIAL ORGAN (61 notes) 5" wind; playable from both Great and Solo Cor de Nuit 8 Viole d' Orchestre 8 Viole Celeste 8 Viole Aetheria 8 Dolce Celeste 8 Gedeckt 8 Fern Flute 4 Horn 8 Vox Humana 8 (separate chest and swell box) Celestial Harp 8 (61 notes) Tremulant STRING ORGAN (61 notes) A special STRING ORGAN of Seven ranks of pipes of 8 foot pitch, composed of various scales and voicing, and tuned as a large magnificent Celeste. Two Ranks normal pitch Three Ranks slightly sharp Two Ranks slightly flat This section is a separate division, enclosed in it's own swell box, with four appropriate pistons for the purpose of switching same on to any desired manual at will. The Swell Box will switch automatically on to the Swell Pedal belonging to the particular manual that the String Organ is switched to. PEDAL ORGAN (32 notes) 5" wind; augmented Gravissimo 64 (Resultant) from Diap. 32 and Bourdon 32) Double Diapason 32 (lowered to Int. pitch by sliders) Contra Bourdon 32 First Diapason 16 Second Diapason 16 Violone 16 Bourdon 16 Dulciana 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 16 (Swell) Sub Bass 16 (Celestial) Quint 10 2/3 (from Bourdon) Gross Flute 8 (from Open Diapason) Flauto Dolce 8 (from Bourdon) Violoncello Celeste 8 II (Solo) Octave Flute 4 (from Open Diapason) Contra Bombarde 32 (from Solo Tuba Magna) Bombarde 16 (from Solo Tuba Magna) Fagotto 16 (Swell) Tuba Profunda 8 (Solo) Tuba Harmonic 8 (Solo) Tuba Clarion 4 (Solo) COUPLERS Solo to Pedal 8 , 4 Swell to Pedal 8 , 4 Great to Pedal 8 , 4 Orchestral to Pedal 8 Great to Pedal, reversible Swell to Pedal, reversible Solo to Great, reversible ACCESSORIES Crescendo Pedal, adjustable, not moving registers Balanced Swell Pedal Balanced Great and Orchestral Pedal Balanced Solo and Celestial Pedal Sforzando Pedal The mechanism of the Swell Pedals so arranged that they may be worked as a MASTER PEDAL, operating all of the swell boxes at one time. COMBINATIONS 10 adjustable General pistons over upper manual 6 adjustable foot pistons for Pedal ================================================================ 1926 CHANGES AND ADDITIONS GREAT ORGAN Major Diapason 8 (73 pipes on new chest) Mixture V (305 pipes on new chest) Keraulophone 8 (73 pipes on present enclosed chest) Gemshorn 8 (73 pipes on present enclosed chest) Principal 4 (moved to open section) Fifteenth 2 (moved to open section) SWELL ORGAN English Diapason 8 (73 pipes on present chest) Wald Horn 8 (73 pipes, Capped Tuba scale) Gedeckt 8 (61 pipes, small scale, on new chest) Plein Jeu IV (replaced Cornet) ORCHESTRAL ORGAN Horn Diapason 8 (73 pipes on present chest) Melophone 8 (73 pipes) Double Oboe Horn 16 (12 pipes, present chest) SOLO ORGAN Stentogamba 8 (73 pipes on present chest) Gambette 4 (73 pipes on present chest) French Horn 8 (73 pipes on present chest) CELESTIAL ORGAN Flauto Dolce 8 (replaced Viole Aetheria) Flute Celeste 8 (replaced Dolce Celeste) PEDAL ORGAN Major Diapason 16/ Open Diapason 8 (44 pipes on new chest) Gedeckt 16/ 8 (44 pipes on new chest) Lieblich Dolce II (new borrow action for Dolce 8 with Lieblich Gedeckt 16 of Orchestral Organ) New set of Class A Chimes (Deagan) to be furnished; old tubes to be returned. (N.B.: It would seem that two sets of pipes (the Gemshorn and Melophone) were not new, and were apparently stops saved from the Kimball organ.) ================================================================ COUPLERS AND ACCESSORIES ON the 1937 CONSOLE COUPLERS Great to Great 16 , 4 Swell to Great 16 , 8 , 4 Solo to Great 16 , 8 , 4 Orchestral to Great 16 , 8 , 4 Orchestral to Orchestral 16 , 4 Swell to Orchestral 16 , 8 , 4 Solo to Orchestral 16 , 8 , 4 Solo to Great 8 (reversible) Solo to Solo 16 , 4 Great to Solo 16 , 8 , 4 Swell to Solo 8 , 4 Solo to Pedal 8 , 4 Swell to Pedal 8 , 4 (8 reversible) Great to Pedal 8 , 4 (8 reversible) Orchestral to Pedal 8 (reversible0 Pedal to Pedal 8 ACCESSORIES Same as in 1915 Console, except that Great and Orchestral now had separate swell pedals. ADJUSTABLE COMBINATIONS 8 to Great and Pedal 4 to Celestial/Great; 4 to Celestial/Solo 8 to Swell and Pedal 8 to Orchestral and Pedal 8 to Solo and Pedal 5 to Pedal (toe pistons) 14 General (5 duplicated in toe pistons) ON/OFF for switching Solo and Celestial General Cancel ================================================================ 1940 CHANGES AND ADDITIONS GREAT ORGAN Second Octave 4 (made by adding 9 pipes to old Kimball Twelfth) Twelfth 2 2/3 (new) Fourniture V (new) Mixture IV (old Mixture V with a rank removed) SWELL ORGAN Sesquialtera IV (new) Trompette 8 (new) ORCHESTRAL ORGAN Fugara 4 (new? or from Kimball?) Nasard 2 2/3 (new) Tierce 1 3/5 (new) (Melophone removed, presumably to make room for additions listed above) PEDAL ORGAN Octave 4 (new?) Super Octave 2 (new?) Mixture IV (new) (The Diapason gives the pitches for the Octave and Super Octave as 8 and 4 and adds a Flute 4, but the list above, taken from the Austin files, is probably more accurate.) ================================================================ ALTERATIONS MADE WHEN THE AUSTIN ORGAN WAS MOVED TO PROVO, UTAH IN 1948 Celestial, String and enclosed Great divisions were removed entirely. At least four full-compass stops and two wood basses were removed from various manual divisions, for planned use in the Aeolian-Skinner organ. Internal arrangement was altered from "single- storey" to "two-storey" to fit the chamber in the auditorium. =END=